Cylas CYgraph III D

The CYgraph III D system is tailored for stamp and flexo applications. Our experience with flatbed systems for stamp engraving has convinced us, that in this domain rotating systems facilitate better results with less effort. We always recommend a drum type engraver if a 100 % utilisation for rubber engraving is possible. For sign marking it could be expedient to purchase an additional flatbed machine with less laser power.

The special capability of the CYgraph III D system to effectively produce stamps is demonstrated by its high engraving speed, its ability to cut optimised stamp contours and by its endowment with a powerful software package for artwork design.

CYgraph III D

Main Features of the CYgraph III D System


Software packages for different tasks:

All systems can be used with several layout stations in the intranet. CYgraph III D

Advantages of drum type machines over flatbed engravers

The points mentioned above lead to a very stable operation at reduced production costs.

By appropriate construction our machine is capable of moving its drum forward and backward and thus make contour cutting of the engraved stamps possible. The drum type machines deliverd by our competitors earlier were not able to cut.

The disadvantages of drum type machines are not relevant for stamp production:

The following example shows the speed advantage of drum type engravers:

Machine type Flatbed Drum
Sheet size A4 portrait A4 landscape A4
Laser power (W) 120 120 120
Engraving depth (mm) 1,0 1,0 1,0
Width of sheet (mm) 200 287 287
Hight of sheet (mm) 287 200 200
Resolution (dpi) 800 800 800
Acceleration (mm/s²) 20 000 20 000
Velocity (mm/s) 763 763 763
Lines to engrave 6 780 4 724 4 724
Total time (min) 49.2 46.3 40.9
Time related to flatbed LS 106 % 100 % 88 %

It is evident, that with given laser power the engraving time is less for the rotating machine. Thereby engraving quality tends to be better for the drum type machine.

The situation would be better for the Flatbeds, if the acceleration could be made higher. This, however would have a negative influence on engraving quality and the life time of the machine, especially as the moving optics of some machines intended for rubber engraving have to carry heavy exhaust tubing. (The CYgraph III flatbed system however is equipped with a special patented axis of which the moving parts are very lightweight and effectively protected against dust.)

The situation for flatbed systems becomes worse if higher laser power or microporous rubber is used (which means engraving with higher speed). Higher resolution leads to a bigger advantage of the rotational machine as well.

Technical Specifications

Laser ClassI
Resolutionadjustable, for stamps usually 600 to 1200 dpi
Laser50 W, 100 W or more; sealed RF driven CO2 laser
Mains3 phases, 400 V, other configurations possible
Compressed air2 bar, 50 l/min
SizeW 120 cm × H 75 cm × D 71 cm (desktop),
additional space for exhaust and cooling systems must be provided
Weightabout 120 kg (without cooler and exhaust system)
Exhaust systemMKF 103D, 105 or similar, depending on Laser power and application
Max. speed of X-axis> 2 000 mm/s
Max. speed of Y-axisca. 100 mm/s

Typical Engraving Times for stamps

ModelNominal powertime needed for one A4 sheet
CYgraph III DW5050 Watt, CO2ca. 90 minca. 60 min
CYgraph III DW100100 Watt, CO2ca. 45 minca. 25 min

(Data for 1.1 mm engraving depth, depending on rubber type and actual Laser power)